Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Private Sessions

          For three days they've been preparing, learning new skills like tying a knot, making a fire, archery, weight lifting, and many more! Everyone has a unique talent, but should they expose their skill in front of others, or leave it for private sessions? The private session is the time to show the Game makers their skills. Each get ranked, one being the lowest to twelve being most superior. There are variety of stations to take advantage of. You'd think they'd like to learn things when they aren't being judged in case the contender is no good and during the private session surprise them with your expertise. On the third day during lunch, appointments for private sessions were given in order of the districts.

         The scores are shortly being televised, but I was able to introduce a bit. The Career Tributes ranked about eight to ten and others average score were about a five. Specifics that stuck out were surprisingly district twelve; Peeta ranked an eight, and Katniss ranked the highest overall with an eleven. Although they aren't allowed to speak of their session I'll get news on that soon! Another shock was the score of the youngest Rue, who did quite well ranking a seven! For someone being the youngest at twelve years old with a seven is impressive. I wish all of the contenders good luck, even the ones with the lowest. For all we know they're still hiding under their shell and are superior. The scores don't guarantee success of winning, but a great chance. I can't wait for the interviews with Caesar Flickerman tomorrow, stay tuned!


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